Thursday, May 29, 2014
Are You a Technology Addict?

My Life,
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
How To: Know Your Dog is Really Your Child
I feel like I am a mother when talk about the first couple of months we had Laney--like a mother who couldn't handle it. I remember sobbing because she wouldn't listen, potty on the pee pad, or when she got sick. I hope this is no indication of what I'll be like as a mother to a human eventually.
I don't have kids, but I can imagine it's something similar to having a puppychild.
Here are a few ways to know that your dog is really your child:
1. You've wiped your dog's butt. Let's face it. Being a dog mom is not glamourous. Sometimes they eat stuff they aren't supposed to (mainly hairballs) and it gets stuck. Chaos ensues and usually it's in front of people. Never ideal timing with the puppychild.
2. Cleaned up throw up--in record timing so they don't eat it. I know. Gross.
3. You have to socialize them and teach them to share. Still working on this.
4. When your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't like them. Trust your dog.
5. You are the only one who can punish, yell at, or spank your dog. How dare anyone else speak meanly of (or to) your puppychild. #rude #bye
6. You have to train them to NOT sleep in the bed with you. When they are little it's usually fine, but as they get older, it's a no. They must sleep in their own bed. In fact, Laney is curled up in bed with me as I write this. Mommy fail.
7. You have pictures of them everywhere. Your phone, your walls, anywhere you can keep pictures. You take pictures of them sleeping, eating, playing, really anything and everything--it can be ridiculous.
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8. You dress them up. Ok, I'm not one of those dog owners with the prissy dogs that needs bows in their hair and sweaters at all times. But occasionally, I like to put a shirt on Laney or socks. She obviously loves it.
9. You buy them expensive toys, when they'd much rather just play with the packaging. Laney loves playing with empty water bottles/water jugs. Why we spend money on toys that she destroys in .5 seconds is beyond me.
10. Their grandparents are THE WORST at spoiling them. Anything you are trying to train them to do is ruined with one trip to your parent's house. Laney's Nana is the worst. Treats on treats on treats--even though Laney is trying to watch her figure.

Monday, May 26, 2014
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Congrats Rebecca and Chad! |
A little back story, her parents are jewlers. Perfect right? So Chad, drove up to her hometown to "ask" her dad to marry her AND to get him to design and put together the ring. I'm swooning over here. He said, and I quote (from dinner Friday night) "I know y'all know I didn't just drive all the way up here to visit. Your daughter makes me very happy and makes me smile every time she walks in the door." And then he asked if he could marry their daughter. Seriously almost crying. I'm such a sucker for a love story.

Best Friends,
Wedding Planning,
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Dear Carol

Link Ups,
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Let me introduce you to my dinner last night.
I was feeling a little creative and also didn't want to cook (not that I do much cooking anyway). So VIOLA! My favorite thing about making a wine and cheese board is that you can add anything you want! It's essentially an "adult snack plate."
To assemble your own charcuterie board, you'll need a variety of cheeses, cured meats, and crackers.
Here's what mine consisted of:
Meats: Pepperoni/Salami/Prosciutto/Dry Coppa
Cheeses: Swiss/Drunken Goat Cheese/Brie/Aged Cheddar/ Colby Jack Cubes
Crackers: Wheat Thins/Whole Wheat Roland Crackers
Miscellaneous: Grapes/Fig Spread
Wine: Ricossa Moscato D'Asti

Monday, May 19, 2014
Sunburns and Fruit Stands
Anyways, I got to spend time with some of my best friends at the beach, spend time with my family, and spend time with Josh's family. It was a win win win and a successfully relaxing weekend.
I haven't been to the beach (or seen the sun) since like last year (you don't get a "spring break" in the working world), so it was high time. Something about summer time, the beach, and gossiping with your girlfriends while drinking a beer is soothing to the soul. After spending four hours on the beach dodging little children and random people offering beer, we went in search of boiled peanuts. The perfect Southern, summertime snack. We happened upon this little fruit stand on the side of the road and the peanuts did not disappoint.(places like this ALWAYS have the best fruit/peanuts).
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I so wished I liked fruits/vegetables. They are so pretty and fresh looking. |
After the beach, it was time to head back to Louisiana for Josh's little sisters 8th grade graduation.
I felt so old! My 8th grade graduation was before the times of straighteners and every time I look back on the pictures I cringe. I thought I was oh so cool. Believe me, I was oh so NOT.
It was great to see his whole family and to be their professional photographer *hair flip*. Josh took me out for sushi. Despite the sunburn issues, this Sunday after the beach was shaping up to be awesome. He knows the way to my heart.
I love linking up for weekend recaps. Because really, who doesn't love to talk about what they did over the weekend?!
P.S. Wear sunscreen to the beach. Because it's the smart thing to do and because I said so!
Best Friends,
Friday, May 16, 2014
How To: Boil an Egg
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See bubbles! |
How To,
Tips and Tricks
Thursday, May 15, 2014
The Grammar Police
I have a confession:
I have a serious problem when it comes to correcting people's grammar. I'll correct them to their face, under my breath, or in my head.
You can just call me the grammar police. I don't do it to try to be mean or make myself sound smarter, it literally just bugs me and comes out automatically. Oops.
Top Annoyances:
-The old your vs. you're argument. Your is possessive. For example: Your cat or your house. You're is the contraction for YOU ARE. You're going to the dance. It is NOT YOU'RE dog. *you are dog--doesn't make sense.
-Things like "she gone" "he done that" "where he is." Again you sound uneducated. Slap a contraction on those pronouns and rearrange some words and viola! Good to go!
Use the right grammar people. It's not hard.
That being said, comma splices and most punctuation errors don't bother me as much. I mean, I wasn't an English major. So go ahead and have a run-on sentence, just don't use the wrong form of "your."
I frequently correct J on words used when he speaks. Subbing them for the correct word or offering a word that would make the sentence make more sense. He just rolls with the punches; bless him. (and I think he's learned a lot-haha)
My family should be called the Grammar Police: Troop 9. We correct each other's grammar when we slip up and usually everyone else's grammar that texts us or that we find on commercials. We aren't mean I promise! I think my sister is far worse :)
P.S. Sorry this post doesn't have a picture and thanks for reading any way! I'm slacking on the whole "being a good blogger and having an intriguing picture to go along with it."
Be sure to use the right form of their, there, and they're. After all, you've had your grammar lesson for the day!
I have a serious problem when it comes to correcting people's grammar. I'll correct them to their face, under my breath, or in my head.
You can just call me the grammar police. I don't do it to try to be mean or make myself sound smarter, it literally just bugs me and comes out automatically. Oops.
Top Annoyances:
-The old your vs. you're argument. Your is possessive. For example: Your cat or your house. You're is the contraction for YOU ARE. You're going to the dance. It is NOT YOU'RE dog. *you are dog--doesn't make sense.
-Same goes for their, there, and they're. Their is possessive. Is that their apartment? There refers to direction. For example, the dog's toy is over there. They're is the contraction for THEY ARE. They're my new neighbors.
-Using an before a word that starts with a vowel. Do you have an octopus as a pet? It's not a octopus. You just sound ignorant and uneducated.
-Things like "she gone" "he done that" "where he is." Again you sound uneducated. Slap a contraction on those pronouns and rearrange some words and viola! Good to go!
Use the right grammar people. It's not hard.
That being said, comma splices and most punctuation errors don't bother me as much. I mean, I wasn't an English major. So go ahead and have a run-on sentence, just don't use the wrong form of "your."
I frequently correct J on words used when he speaks. Subbing them for the correct word or offering a word that would make the sentence make more sense. He just rolls with the punches; bless him. (and I think he's learned a lot-haha)
My family should be called the Grammar Police: Troop 9. We correct each other's grammar when we slip up and usually everyone else's grammar that texts us or that we find on commercials. We aren't mean I promise! I think my sister is far worse :)
P.S. Sorry this post doesn't have a picture and thanks for reading any way! I'm slacking on the whole "being a good blogger and having an intriguing picture to go along with it."
Be sure to use the right form of their, there, and they're. After all, you've had your grammar lesson for the day!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Confessions from an Urgent Care Waiting Room
I've been doing a lot of people watching lately. At the ball park, and now at the urgent care. When you sit back, other people's life drama unfolds. It's actually very entertaining.
The first people we encountered, (yes we, I made my mom come with me to the urgent care on Mother's Day), was this couple coming back from just having seen the doctor. (Is that proper grammar? Oh well) They were kind of loud and not shy about the reason they were there. Why would they be, it was hilarious. Anyways, the man was limping and the wife did not feel an ounce of sympathy for her poor husband.
Want to know why? I did too.
He fell down the stairs in the middle of the night while sneaking to get a moon pie. Yep. Just picture that in your head. He was sneaking around in the middle of the night, likely because his wife told him to lay off the sweets and what does he do? Break his foot. Typical. His wife found out about his sweets addiction anyway.
So that gave us a good laugh.
The next couple comes in with their precious little baby. But it turns out, it's not the baby that's sick or that's really being the baby here. The husband, apparently, was having horrible earaches, so much so, that it made him dizzy and he kept running into things and falling over. Sounds pretty bad to me, but I'm no doctor.
After filling out all of the new patient paperwork (which is like pages on pages on pages), he decides that he is magically feeling better and doesn't need to see the doctor. Thus, starting a fight with his wife, who was only trying to point out that he should see the doctor NOW while they were there and it was only bound to get worse and then he'd have to take off of work.
Makes sense. Duh.
So then he had to awkwardly go up to the counter and explain that he was magically feeling better to the nurse. Acca-awkward.
There was another couple in there randomly talking about bleaching their teeth, like with real bleach. So that was weird.
And after that we finally got called back to see the doctor.
People watching is probably my new favorite thing to do, I mean people, in general, are just so interesting and different. You should try it sometime, because I said so!
Want to know why? I did too.
He fell down the stairs in the middle of the night while sneaking to get a moon pie. Yep. Just picture that in your head. He was sneaking around in the middle of the night, likely because his wife told him to lay off the sweets and what does he do? Break his foot. Typical. His wife found out about his sweets addiction anyway.
So that gave us a good laugh.
The next couple comes in with their precious little baby. But it turns out, it's not the baby that's sick or that's really being the baby here. The husband, apparently, was having horrible earaches, so much so, that it made him dizzy and he kept running into things and falling over. Sounds pretty bad to me, but I'm no doctor.
After filling out all of the new patient paperwork (which is like pages on pages on pages), he decides that he is magically feeling better and doesn't need to see the doctor. Thus, starting a fight with his wife, who was only trying to point out that he should see the doctor NOW while they were there and it was only bound to get worse and then he'd have to take off of work.
Makes sense. Duh.
So then he had to awkwardly go up to the counter and explain that he was magically feeling better to the nurse. Acca-awkward.
There was another couple in there randomly talking about bleaching their teeth, like with real bleach. So that was weird.
And after that we finally got called back to see the doctor.
People watching is probably my new favorite thing to do, I mean people, in general, are just so interesting and different. You should try it sometime, because I said so!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day!
It was really painful to just function. But my mom is so great and came with me to the urgent care...you know just in case I was dying and they had to operate. I'm so over dramatic.
It wasn't the way she wanted to spend her Mother's Day I'm sure, but I'm glad she'll still kiss my boo boos and take care of me when I'm sick even though I'm 22 years old. On the plus side, she did reach a new high score in 2048, hear some pretty funny stories in the waiting room. AND she got to spend time with her favorite daughter duh..so not a complete waste.
Thanks for everything mom, you're the best and I hope you enjoyed your day--because I said so and because you deserve it!
Thanks for everything mom, you're the best and I hope you enjoyed your day--because I said so and because you deserve it!
Mother's Day,
Quality Time,
Thursday, May 8, 2014
The 5 People You'll Meet at a Beer Cart
The catering company I work for also does the concessions at a local baseball stadium. I usually work the beer cart at least once a week--because who doesn't like extra money?
Sidenote: people can be so rude. You graduated college? Why do you work at a beer cart? Like it's sad or something. I just do it for the extra cash AFTER my 9-5 not in place of. K? K.
Sidenote: people can be so rude. You graduated college? Why do you work at a beer cart? Like it's sad or something. I just do it for the extra cash AFTER my 9-5 not in place of. K? K.
2. The douchebag. Sorry, but we all know "that guy." The overly cocky guy that tries to flirt (but in a gross, evenifiweresingle I'd never go out with you type of way and says things like "beer me" or "I'll have another." Uh ok what specific beer would you like? I see hundreds of people, I don't remember you're specific order. You aren't THAT special. And beer me? Really??
3. The over friendly/slightly stalker-ish guy. This guy literally wants to stand and talk to you alllll night. Where'd you go to school? Why are you working at a beer cart? Peanuts or seeds? Where did you get your braces? What beer should I get? Slow down dude. What is this speed dating?! Borderline stalker. Please leave.
4. The alcoholic. Ok, so they may not be an alcoholic, but no sir, I can't get you 5 Bud Lights, 4 Coors Lights and 2 Millers. I'm only allowed to sell you two at a time. And how in the world would you carry that? Oh you're back again? Still can't give you 11 beers at the same time. Sorry.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Absolutely No Butt Bows

Monday, May 5, 2014
Ten Favorites of Traveling
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Covered Bridges in Pittsburgh, PA |
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Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, TN |
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Playing tourist in NOLA, Race and Religious |

Covered bridge,
Favorite Things,
Friday, May 2, 2014
Good Friday
This morning, I woke up mad that it wasn't Saturday yet. I didn't want to do anything but sleep. I mean it was one of THOSE mornings. Who's with me?
But after a trip to Starbucks (which makes most everything better) the whole day was turned around--largely because of how much caffeine I took in. All I needed was a venti coffee with an extra shot of espresso and I was/am good to go. Still riding that caffeine high at 6pm.
Little bit jittery, fully motivated.
Little bit jittery, fully motivated.
Besides working all day, it's been a super busy, yet productive Friday in other aspects of my life. I finally said to myself, "just do it" for the things I've been putting on hold over and over again. Putting certain things in motion has made me super optimistic about the blog (sponsorships are coming people, GET EXCITED) and my financial future--not to sound like a nerd/dork.
Plus, having a good mail day two days in a row makes everything even better!
{here's where I brag about all of the goodies I got in the mail}
Plus, having a good mail day two days in a row makes everything even better!
{here's where I brag about all of the goodies I got in the mail}
Yesterday I got a graduation announcement for one of my best friends (Hi Rebecca--wouldn't miss it for the world!), my Louisiana print from Fine Print Calligraphy, and a canvas from All Things Pretty! Today I got a monogrammed Tshirt from Meredith! I don't know if it's the caffeine talking, but I'm so excited. This is the most mail I've gotten since I moved into my apartment.
I was definitely able to turn my day around! So here's to a good Friday and even better weekend. Ta for now--have a great weekend, because I said so!
Little Things,
Snail Mail
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Allison gets a Library Card
A few days ago I was finally able to get a library card! I know I know, NERD ALERT. But it's been on my list of things to do, I just never made the time. (I wish I would've sooner--I could have saved some money!) Crossing that off of my future goals list!
Getting a library card is probably the easiest process ever and its completely FREE! Yep, that's right. Free to sign up and free to get books AND movies. It's like a Blockbuster (you know, if Blockbuster were still alive) in my library! Why have I been spending money on books at the bookstore and movies at Redbox and Walmart? I'm just sorry I didn't utilize this free community resource sooner!
So you want to get a library card too? Great!
All you have to do is:
1. go to your local library
2. have an I.D. ready
3. they'll sign you up!
So easy right? I kept waiting for something to go wrong or them deny me a card (I'm sorry I didn't return that one book 10 years ago on time)--how crazy is that; they clearly didn't deny me a card. But really, it's such a simply process.
Side Note: You DO have to be a resident of the county/parish library you are trying to sign up for. My driver's license address doesn't match my current address so I had to bring in another form of identification (i.e a bill). But still, not at all complicated.
I'm a little bit of what you'd call a nerd. I could spend all day perusing the shelves for good books to read. Just being around hundreds of books makes me feel calm. The smell of old books, using the search computers and searching to find that perfect book: the perfect way to spend an afternoon. My past trip, I checked out three books. Only three? Yep, but I'll be back! They give you a month to return the things you check out. I think I can definitely read THREE books in a month. Fingers crossed anyway.
Don't you want to go get a library card now? I think everyone should have one--because I said so!
Getting a library card is probably the easiest process ever and its completely FREE! Yep, that's right. Free to sign up and free to get books AND movies. It's like a Blockbuster (you know, if Blockbuster were still alive) in my library! Why have I been spending money on books at the bookstore and movies at Redbox and Walmart? I'm just sorry I didn't utilize this free community resource sooner!
So you want to get a library card too? Great!
All you have to do is:
1. go to your local library
2. have an I.D. ready
3. they'll sign you up!
So easy right? I kept waiting for something to go wrong or them deny me a card (I'm sorry I didn't return that one book 10 years ago on time)--how crazy is that; they clearly didn't deny me a card. But really, it's such a simply process.
Side Note: You DO have to be a resident of the county/parish library you are trying to sign up for. My driver's license address doesn't match my current address so I had to bring in another form of identification (i.e a bill). But still, not at all complicated.
I'm a little bit of what you'd call a nerd. I could spend all day perusing the shelves for good books to read. Just being around hundreds of books makes me feel calm. The smell of old books, using the search computers and searching to find that perfect book: the perfect way to spend an afternoon. My past trip, I checked out three books. Only three? Yep, but I'll be back! They give you a month to return the things you check out. I think I can definitely read THREE books in a month. Fingers crossed anyway.
This week's reading list: The Vogue Factor, The Seven Year Bitch (yes, I checked out a book with bitch in the title--scandalous),and Girls in White Dresses. Being a self proclaimed "book nerd" you'd think I wouldn't judge a book by it's cover. But 99.9% of the time I do. If it's cute and girly looking, I'm probably going to read it. Or, if it has a cute-sy title--I'll read it. If it's dark and ugly and mean looking, I'm probably definitely NOT going to read it. Call me superficial, but when it comes to reading, I judge and judge hard.
Don't you want to go get a library card now? I think everyone should have one--because I said so!
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