I'm an old soul. I like to collect letters and love snail mail. So, even though there's this handy little thing called Pinterest, I still like to collect all things wedding the old fashioned way--in a file folder!
Y'all already know that I go to a TON of bridal shows for work and that I'm at the age where a lot of people I know are starting to get married, so what better way to keep things organized?
Spoiler Alert: No, Josh and I are not getting engaged anytime soon. Whenever it happens, though, I'll be well prepared and well versed in all things wedding.
This file folder has everything ranging from brochures I pick up from my favorite vendors at the bridal shows I work, to programs from weddings I've been to with certain elements starred for future reference.
I even have my parents enlisted to pick things up from the weddings THEY go to. My dad really gets into it--I love it! I get a full recap of things they liked and things they hated didn't really love. One can never be too prepared.
This folder has come in handy when helping plan my friend's wedding too! Picking out songs is harder than it seems and it was beneficial to have some real life examples to go off of.
Josh's mom asked me not too long ago how long it would take me to plan my "hypothetical" wedding. In all confidence, six months, given the right vendors were available and thanks to my very real file folder. (this is after I get my braces off of course!)
What can I say? I'm a planner, it's what I do.

I love that you keep all this stuff! So cute!
ReplyDeleteHaha I've been doin this for years as well, although yours is super cute! I always text John about out "hypothetical" wedding and he always tells me to plan my little heart out haha
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty cool that you keep all this stuff. I'm so glad that I'm not the only that talks to our partner about a "hypothetical" wedding. My best friend thinks I'm crazy. lol
ReplyDeleteMan you won't have to prepare at all when you do get engaged cause you've been sort of planning for years. This is a really smart idea being around wedding stuff so much you might as well start a collection of sorts.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome haha. I'm not even dating someone and I do the same thing at weddings. But I'm not as organized.
ReplyDeleteSo glad I'm not the only one!
DeleteCan I hire you?? :) Everything looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteI love that you have your parents bring you back details from weddings they attend! Every time I pin something to my wedding board I always think "what if pinterest doesn't exist when I finally get married" and then have to talk myself out of printing the photo out to save. My future wedding is way too well planned for someone who has never even had a serious longterm boyfriend
ReplyDeleteYou are so organized! I love it!
ReplyDeleteI love it!! I never once thought about what details I wanted for my wedding and I kind of wish I had!!
ReplyDeleteHooray for planners! This is how I feel about most things. I am constantly planning things. It makes life easier.
ReplyDeleteSeriously it so does! Whenever I get engaged, planning a wedding will be a piece of cake!
DeleteWanna help plan my wedding? I'm already halfway done and it's a year and a half away, so help me top it off. (;
LOL yes I'm so there!
DeleteAah I wish I were so prepared! If you would have told me two years ago I'd be getting married in about 3 years, I wouldn't have believed you. Now all I have are some Pinterest boards and a prayer - hopefully inspiration strikes soon!
That is so interesting and organized as well. Thanks for sharing all this here. I am getting married so reading such stuff on the internet. I just pinned a few ideas from your post. You know after searching a lot, I booked venue from eventup.com from the list of Los Angeles event venues.