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Monday, November 10, 2014

Little Tangents

A little bit about last week a little bit about today. Here we go. 

-Today has literally been the best Monday. And not for any big, huge reasons. I woke up today and said to myself, "it's going to be a great day" and it has been. Crazy how being positive actually changes your whole outlook. #mindblown

-Fact: pretty flowers at work make the day go by faster and make things a bit brighter.

-Starting back up on the diet/exercise train--because well summer bodies are made in the winter.

-And I just started PURE BARRE. Holy amaze-balls! It's hard work, and sometimes I want to quit during the class (literally), but when class is over I feel so accomplished. I highly recommend trying out a class. #lifttoneburn  

-I didn't do half the cleaning I was supposed to this weekend. But I did start a new book...priorities people.

-Also can we just talk about how Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" video is freaking amazing. I just love it. Like, go watch it. Now.

-PSA: you can now change you captions on Insta. This is huge. So go update it!

-I'm so excited to go see the Phantom of the Opera later this week with the whole family! Yay for having show tunes stuck in my head all week!

Have a great week..because I said so!


  1. I so want to do a barre class! It is on my list of things to do!

  2. I don't understand this "barre" craze. I get that it's like dance... but a workout... kind of?

  3. I'm so obsessed with the Blank Space video! I was fully prepared to hate it when I saw a couple of pictures from it, but it is seriously so so good. Plus it's my favorite song from the new CD

  4. I LOVEEEEE Tay Tay's new video! Also, I've been wanting to try Pure Barre forever!!
