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Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Other Valentine

So I'm famous!  The fact that traffic to my blog is picking up (thanks to everyone who reads it ) means that it's not just my mom that reads it anymore! WOOHOO! But that's besides the point. (Is it? I'm not sure)

Anyways, today I'm mentioned on two other blogs--told ya famous! Go check it out!


Sunshine and Sinatra

Now to what I was really going to write about today, before I got distracted.

So Valentine's Day is tomorrow, in case you live under a rock or are choosing not to remember. I still have to find the boyfriend a present--for the record, he said I didn't have to get him anything because it's a girly holiday whatever-- Let's face it, I'm still getting him a present and it will likely be over the top. #sorrynotsorry

With all the stress of finding the perfect present for my beau, I almost forgot about my other Valentine!

Yep...I have more than one Valentine this year. How did I get so lucky?

Here's looking at you dad!

I'm so sweet :) 

The other man man in my life who has been a constant from day one. 

He is the most thoughtful man on the planet--you picked a good one mom! He taught me the value of a dollar, how to work hard, and many other valuable life skills (like how to grow mold for a science project, how to change a tire, how to drive, etc.) 

Not sure I was doing it right/he was scared for his life 

We were thick as thieves back in the day--I'll always be his most favorite daughter :) (sorry Steph and Carol) 

He's probably reading this and thinking "what does she want"--come on dad you know there doesn't have to be a reason! But, as long as we are on the subject, don't forget to send me flowers tomorrow (because {your most favorite daughter} said so!)

Love you dad!
 photo becauseisaidsosig_zps7aaadf76.png


  1. Love this post - my dad has always been my number one valentine too! Oh, and congrats on being famous ;) have an awesome weekend!

  2. Love it!!! I checked out the other blogs and I wanted to tell you good job and you go girl!!!

  3. Aww, the pictures of you and your dad are too cute!
