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Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Year, New Goals

Nothing like waiting until well into the first week of January to make "new year's resolutions." Better late than never comes to mind. I WAS able to come up with my word of the year in record timing, so all is not lost.

I wanted to wait to post until I could really think about them this year instead of just stating the usual: workout and save money (which I honestly still need to work on).


1.  Post consistently.

I've struggled with this lately. Starting my new job and just being busy with life in general has this blog pushed to back burner. I think it's safe to say that you can expect to see 2-3 posts a week on Because I Said So. I'd rather post things that you like to read instead of random posts that you could care less about.

2.  Grow + Connect with Followers.

This translates to page views, social media followers and commenters. Go ahead and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat (aellzey) and Instagram if you don't already!


1.  Be healthy.

I eat like a child. Chicken nuggets, Lucky Charms, Quaker Dinosaur Egg Oatmeal (look it up and thank me later. It's the best!) to name a few of my favorites. These childhood favorites combined with ALL OF THE wine and lack of exercise have lead to unwanted weight gain. 

My office is doing a 12-week body transformation that started Monday (when I conveniently got a case of the stomach flu). I'm not saying I can stick with a super clean, strict eating plan for 12 weeks, but I'd like to give it my best. Cutting out sugary drinks and drinking water instead, only eating fast food, maybe, ONCE a week instead of 3-5x, and going back to the barre are all solutions I can start implementing now.

2.  Get organized.

Y'all. My room is a mess. It has a Holiday hangover--there are clothes everywhere and just STUFF in general scattered everywhere. It's driving me crazy (plus my mom has been bugging me to clean my room for the past few months). I think I'll start with a trip to Target to buy cute file folders--because a trip to Target solves everything.

3. Read.

I love to read #booknerd But I want to make it an actual point to pick up a book instead of going straight to Netflix (it may benefit my sleeping pattern). My goal is to read 24 books this year, that's 2 a month, which shouldn't be difficult. 

4.  Save.

Josh and I are looking to buy a house this year (and get engaged and married)! I've saved the most in my life thanks to this "house fund" and I want to continue saving at my current pace. In addition to saving for a house, I want to start contributing to my RothIRA and create and emergency fund--which unfortunately means I won't be taking that Target trip I mentioned earlier.


My goals are broad for the year, but each month, I'll break it down. This month, I want to focus on these goals:

  • Drink 64 oz. of water a day.
  • Workout at least 3x a week.
  • Reach 2k followers on Instagram 
  • Go for a walk in the morning 1x a week 
  • Hit my step goal 3x a week 
  • Cook healthy meals at home (and get my sister to help me!) 
  • Read 2 books! 

That's a lot of goals, but I'm feeling up for the challenge!

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