Happy Thanksgiving!
This holiday was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. With the stress of work and everyday life starting to get to me, I am happy to have gotten off work early Wednesday (and for the rest of the week) to be home. After an interesting night crammed in one bed with 12 legs (two people and two dogs), a few elbows (did you know dog's have elbows? Well they do and they are super bony), and some snoring, I woke up and went for a much needed early morning run. I'm usually not much of a morning person, but running in the crisp air of the early morning was the perfect way to start my sure to be hectic day.
Thanksgiving Round #1:
The Ryan Family -- 12 o'clock noon.

Your standard Thanksgiving lunch with football in the background, sibling bickering, and a few not so subtle questions as to why Joshua and I aren't engaged yet. You know, standard. (It is engagement season after all)
I promise we did NOT intend to match!
Thanksgiving Round #2:
The Ellzey Family --4:45PM
Our Thanksgiving started with a trip to the movies to see the much anticipated movie, Frozen. I'm a sucker for little kid movies so after critics said it was the best Disney movie since Lion King, I knew I had to see it. It was actually very good and kept my dad laughing the whole time, which is rare. So this movie gets a two thumbs up!

After the movie, we rode by Best Buy and Target to check out the lines--and man were there lines. I had half a mind to pop out of the car and just ask WHAT exactly they were standing in line for. I mean is any new Playstation worth that? I guess to some people it is. For me, not so much. I prefer to do my shopping on the actual "Black Friday" which is not until tomorrow.
When we finally made it home, we started on Thanksgiving dinner. Up until about yesterday, the plan had just been to order pizza, but Carol wanted the "Traditional Thanksgiving Meal." And I'm glad, although, nothing my family does is "traditional." We threw everything together in about an hour or two and even learned how to fold fancy napkins! (Note fancy napkins below)

Dinner turned out wonderful, despite the fact that it was a mix n match dinner thrown together last minute! With only a few dramatic moments throughout the night, I have to say that this might be the best Thanksgiving yet. I have so much to be thankful for and it's great to have this time to reflect on how truly blessed I am.

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