So you have a job (YAY!) and love getting those paychecks...who doesn't?
But you still want extra money to spend guilt-free or save.
(Keep in mind, this is for us folks who don't have a stock portfolio or anything financially fancy)
What to do, what to do?
You could :
a. Sing about it like ABBA:
Money, money, money
Always sunny in the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money,
It's a rich man's world
Well I've been in your shoes and in fact I'm probably still there. And while singing ABBA and pretending you're in the musical Mamma Mia is fun, it doesn't help the present situation. When you're done singing and dancing, you still have no money. Been there. Done that.
So I'm here to share a few ways that work for me. I believe in them so much that I'm using all of these tips myself!
- Save that change. Paying in cash for things can help you rack up the spare change. Keep it in a big clear jar or jug so you can see your progress along the way!

- Pay in cash. Paying in cash not only helps with your new spare change stockpile, it also keeps your from touching your checking account. Thus, inadvertently saving money. (Makes sense in my brain)
Note: By saving change and recycling, Josh and I were able to almost fund entirely a road trip to Pittsburgh--complete with Steeler's tickets and gas money. We are planning another one this year and hope to use mostly our saved change and money from cans!
- Recycle. Not only is it good for the environment, but you can also make money off of it! Check to see if any companies in your area will pay for aluminum and scrap metal. I have ALL of my family members and even people at work saving their cans for me~TOTALLY WORTH IT.
- Consign your clothes. Check out Just Call me the Consignment Queen for more about that.
- Save your $5 bills. So every time you get a $5 bill, put it away. The key here is to not touch it. Before long, you'll have a good amount of cash--if you can keep from spending it as soon as your put it away that is.
- Make a budget and stick with it! For me, I do it a little backwards. I plan to save a certain amount first and then whatever is left I can spend however I please. Whichever way you make a budget, most importantly, MAKE IT and STICK TO IT.
- Once it's in your SAVINGS account, DON'T touch it. (except in EXTREME emergencies --and no fro-yo and that new dress do not count). Your savings account will grow and you'll feel accomplished. WIN WIN. Plus you'll have something to fall back on if you have car trouble!
- Don't go out to eat as much (read don't go out for sushi 3x a week). Pick one day of the week to have your meal out and let that be that. You might be surprised how much you save! Sushi Tuesday is the new thing.
- If you have a pet, take them to the low cost vet clinic and groom them yourself. Fortunately, my pup Laney, doesn't need much grooming besides the occasional bath and nail trims. So I do it myself. Actually not true. I get Josh to do it, but who's keeping track really. We also take Laney to the Humane Society and the prices there are considerably cheaper than any vet around.
These are all simple ways to help jump-start your savings or give you a bit more spending cash. Use one or use them all..
Because I said So!
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