Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Football Widow-ry

Football Widow-ry: what happens when it's football season and your significant other stops paying attention to you because football.

It's rare that you'll hear me admit that I'm a football fan. I am. (I've included proof in picture form throughout this post). I have two teams that I like to watch (the local team, the Saints, and the boyfriend's all time favorite from birth, the Steelers). Over the course of six years, I'm basically a Steelers fan by default. And mostly because if the Steelers lose, Josh is in a less than stellar mood. So.

But the problem arises when beyond those two teams I could really care less and Josh is interested in EVERY game.

When this football season came around, I tried my best to keep up with who's playing who and which player got benched/suspended for whatever reason. It gets confusing because, like I said, not only does Josh pay attention to the Steelers AND the Saints, he pays attention (and I mean CLOSE attention) to EVERY SINGLE game. He's one of those "every single team" fan's. He boils it down to the fact that he's a football (in general) fan. But whatever, I'm not interested in splitting hairs.

Our last trip to Heinz Field when it snowed!

Why every game? Fantasy.

Yep. He has to keep his Fantasy Football game strong. So while it used to not matter what games were not nationally televised (unless it was the Steelers of course), now he either has to go home to watch the games (DirectTV NFL package) or go to a bar to watch it. Literally, I live for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays--when NFL games are not going on.

What does this mean for me?

A few things:
-I can act like I'm interested in how insert player's name is doing (sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. Sometimes I like to impress Josh with my limited football knowledge)
-eat really gross food (from BWW, Twin Peaks, and/or Hooters--let's face it, people don't really go there to eat)
-stay home (hence the football widow-ry) and drink wine and watch whatever show I want to (YES, so not all bad)

So, all of this to say, every football season I face some sort of football widow-ry. When the Cowboy's touchdown is more important than me telling Josh what I had for lunch. (that's a bad example, but you know what I mean)

I've been steadily upping my game (over the past six years), but I have a secret weapon this year: the Steelers game that we are going to in Pittsburgh ALSO happens to be our six year anniversary of dating. So its a win for both of us especially if the Steelers win.

Football widow no more--because I said so!


  1. Ugh! Try living with my husband who loves Basketball! Which is literally like a 10 month sport! It never ends, and on top of football. So crazy.

  2. Aaand this is why I love that Tim doesn't like sports. lol! Good luck!

  3. I like the idea of having "me" time, go with that!!
