Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Art of Mastering the Tube

Tubing is not a summer time activity for the faint of heart. It takes skill and muscles. Lots of muscles--and if you have none, believe me, you will always be sore for an entire week after.

It's been a weekend thing (basically for every weekend this summer) to take Josh's brand new boat out for a tubing trip. So I consider myself an expert of sorts. Except I'm really not an expert at all. I'm a big weenie--like I'm so scared of being eaten by sharks (in the river) and being abandoned in the water (them not realizing I fell off and never coming back--then getting eaten by sharks). 

Regardless, I have some tips to share.

1. Brace Yourself for Impact.

2. Look out for inclement weather (i.e. funnel clouds).
It doesn't look like much here, but before I thought to snap a picture of it, the funnel was stretching down towards the ground! So scary.
3. Have a driver you trust.
Great driver, good looking, and a cute four-legged side kick. Perfection.

4. Hold on tight. (I mean look at the concentration on those faces)

With legs, elbows, abs, everything. Like I said before,  you WILL be sore.

5. Have fun!
P.S. That's my mom. She's having a blast!
Have a great holiday weekend..
Because I said so!


  1. This looks like so much fun! It's probably not something I'm cut out for - I get awful motion sickness, and my upper body strength is a joke, but it looks like such an awesome summer activity!

  2. Looks like fun! I've never done it but I'm pretty positive I'd fall off in no time lol!
