Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wishing, Hoping, and Dreaming

Happy Hump Day! The weekend is almost here AGAIN and like always, I can't wait! 
This Wednesday I'm wishing for time to slow down. 
This coming from the girl who just said she can't wait for the weekend and who has a million countdowns in mind (birthday, braces off, Pittsburgh get the picture). Yes, I can't for this trip or until the weekend, etc. etc. I can't wait to get engaged, get married, and start a life with Joshua. 
But, I have to say, I feel like I'm in a really good spot right now. Being 22 (almost 23) I still have the rest of my life to do what I want. I feel content with how my life is going (sure there are things I'd like to change) But overall, I like where I am. I can't really explain it, but life is just good. Every time I start to doubt or freak out that I'm the only one not married/engaged, I remind myself that I like where I am. I don't need a different title to be happy. And keeping up with "whoever" is exhausting.
Oh and for those wondering:
Braces Off: 659 days

23rd Birthday: 23 days

Pittsburgh (which also happens to be the same as our 6 year dating anniversary): 164 days

I also wish that I could stay up late and get up early. 
I seriously can't hang like I used to. For example, last night (and the night before) Joshua and I watched movies until about 1 AM. Last night, we were AT the movies until 1 AM. I know right? Who am I? It was really fun (doing something as scandalous as staying out until 1 AM on a week night) But, like I seriously can't stay up that late and be expected to function at work for 8 hours. What. is. wrong. with. me? I guess I'm not in college anymore!
Yay for linking up with Anne from Love the Here and Now! What are you wishing for this week?
Love the Here and Now


  1. So many good things ahead for you....patience!! I love that you are embracing the moment though and enjoying it. I'm with you on staying up and out late. Wish I could! Scratch that...I can. I just can't function the next day. Ugh. Thanks for linking up!!

  2. I am with you! I feel like the only 22 year old who can't hang anymore. Staying up late for me is so hard now! I have gotten feelings where I feel that I am not where I should be in life compared to others my age and I love that now I realize, like you, that we need to love where we are!

  3. I can't believe you guys have been dating almost 6 years!
