Monday, June 9, 2014

Sweet Summertime

Yay it's Monday! Wait what? That's right, I'm not actually sad that it's Monday. I think it has to do with having such a fulfilling weekend.  For once in my life, I feel that the weekend equals the week in terms of time. The weekend just felt so long--in a good way--and I even had to work on Friday! 

So lets jump right into shall we? Here's a wrap up of MY weekend.

I literally worked approximately 15 hours! Whattttttt. On top of my 9-5 job of answering the phone with inquiring brides/clients, filing contracts, and preparing for the next week, I ALSO was the event manager/coordinator for the wedding that night! What. A. Whirlwind. I wish I had pictures of that day/night, but sadly I was far far far too busy. I now know how to coordinate the cutting of the cake, cake pulls, the bouquet toss, and the garter toss with the couple, photographer AND the DJ. So basically I'm a wedding extraordinaire. Call me if you need a coordinator :)

After the long work day Friday (I didn't make it home until 1 am),  I woke up early on Saturday morning--I still haven't caught up on sleep, unfortunately. But, it was all worth it, because I got my hair done. A little wash, trim, and style was just what I needed to feel relaxed. 

Car Selfie

It wasn't just me who got pampered on Saturday. Laney, the puppy child, got groomed! Yay! She hated it and probably still hates me from dragging her there and dropping her off, but she's so soft and she won't be too hot and won't turn into a werewolf--AT&T commercial anyone?

That night, the family went to watch/listen to my dad sing. He's in a community choir and the theme of the concert was movies/Disney. I mean how perfect? He told us not to sing because we can be a little obnoxious at these concerts, but I mean it's Disney--so we sang. Dinner after was a blast--by this time is like 11PM and everyone was delirious, but it's fine. I got told I looked like I was 16 and was almost denied a glass of wine--yes I know I'll appreciate this when I get older blah blah blah. But still. Give me my wine. K? K.

Hello Sunday Funday. Joshua recently bought a boat. Yep. It's ALL his. So that makes it mine by association. What's yours is mine, right? Of course. I have a boat y'all--don't kill me Joshua! So, naturally, we took it out! It was so much fun. Soaking up the sun, listening to country music, and having a few beers with some friends. What could be better? 

I haven't been tubing since high school and that's basically all we did. I'm so sore from clutching the raft so hard, holding on for dear life. Seriously. There were points where I literally thought to myself, "don't let go now or you will die." We all know I'm dramatic, but still. It was scary exhilarating

I had such a blast this weekend and I'm so sad it's over. But, I can't wait until next weekend! What did you do this weekend?

Also can we talk about how you can't really tell I have braces in any of my pictures--winning! 

This week, I'm co-hosting the weekly wrap-up! I hope you'll link up! Here are the rules--

1) Follow your hosts Rachael @ The Rachael Way and Lisa @ Ameliorer la Vie.
2) Share what you have been up to this past week and link your post up with us every Monday.
3) Hop around and comment on at least two other people's posts.
4) Link your post back to us in some way. We have a cute button for you to grab. :)
5) Have fun reading about how other bloggers spent their week!


  1. 15 hours is a lot! I've been there myself and it's not fun, but I'm glad you made the best of Sunday and that you got to relax...on your OWN boat no less!! That's awesome! Thanks for co-hosting with Rachael and I. :)

  2. Getting your hair done is one of the best feelings ever!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sounds like a very busy and fun weekend congrats on the boat lol

  4. Oh that sounds so fun! And I'm jealous that you get to coordinate weddings. I'd love to get paid to do that.

  5. People keep telling me that I'll appreciate being called younger than I am too, but I'm just not there yet! Love the new hair! :)

  6. People keep telling me that I'll appreciate being called younger than I am too, but I'm just not there yet! Love the new hair! :)

  7. What a great weekend! Well besides having to work so much on Friday. I literally had to go back and look at the photos to try and see your braces--you can't even tell you have them!

  8. Not to sound #weird, but I'm loving the way you organized this post! lol
    Digging the haircut bae :)
