Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend Recap

I'm sad to say that my mini vacation is over and it's back to the real world today. It's so hard to leave the beach to go back to work. On the plus side, I get a three day week! Here's a recap of my "extended" weekend:

Friday: We had SO much fun at the Taylor Swift concert! If you follow me on Snapchat (aellzey), you probably saw/heard most of the concert + me singing completely off key (oops) THE BEST time ever! The only not so great thing was waiting in traffic to leave. We didn't get home until 2:30 AM!

Saturday: Bridal Tea Party for my friend Rebecca--how cute is that idea! We wore big hats and had our own teapots. I don't actually like tea, but I did give it a try. P.S. I still don't like tea lol

Saturday Afternoon/Night: Beach bound! It was THE LONGEST drive ever. Thankfully I had my little sister with me--she was meeting her friend which was on the way to where I was going. I think I finally made it the beach around midnight.

Sunday: Beach Day--also the day I didn't put any sunscreen on--getting burned beyond belief

Monday: Happy Memorial Day. You know, I did not see one firework along the beach? Crazy. We went bowling and roller skating that night and even though I can't beat Josh at bowling, I'm a WAY better roller skater than he is! #winning

Tuesday: The last day at the beach for me. We rented scooters and drove all around PCB, got caught in the rain, and got ice cream cones. Best day ever, if you ask me!

How's that for a whirlwind of a long weekend?!


  1. lots of bright colors. I love it. That ice cream though (YUM) and cute swim suit. Too bad I can't rock a two piece. lol

  2. That sounds like a great weekend, minus the sunburn though!

  3. That ice cream cone - !!!! Sprinkles are always a must. Looks like you had an amazing weekend!!

  4. Looks like a fun weekend! Hope your sunburn heals quickly because those are no fun!
    xo, Scarlett
    The Trendy Chick

    1. Seriously no fun! It's gotten A LOT better since Sunday though

  5. Wow what a great weekend! Great way to relax & that ice cream looks delicious!! ps. where did u get that swimsuit? super adorable!

  6. Oh sounds like a great weekend. I'm super jealous of the beach time. That sounds amazing right now!

  7. Looks like an awesome weekend!

  8. Those pictures are awesome!! I love them!
